misspell|misspelled|misspelling|misspells|misspelt in English


[,mis'spell || ‚mɪs'spel]

spell incorrectly, err in spelling

Use "misspell|misspelled|misspelling|misspells|misspelt" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "misspell|misspelled|misspelling|misspells|misspelt" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "misspell|misspelled|misspelling|misspells|misspelt", or refer to the context using the word "misspell|misspelled|misspelling|misspells|misspelt" in the English Dictionary.

1. Rule out a misspell word.

2. 10 Rule out a misspell word.

3. Furthermore, they may misspell some.

4. Armchair after Anthony misspells avidly or oxidates any Aphoriser

5. 5 Ring round the words which you think are misspelt.

6. Do not misspell words or have typos.

7. "Necessary" is one of the most commonly misspelt words in English.

8. Ring round the words which you think are misspelt.

9. OK, is that OK now? Did I misspell other words?

10. Words with double letters, such as "accommodation", are commonly misspelt.

11. "Bossom" is probably misspelled

12. Alveolae Misspelling of alveoli

13. 22 Misspelling the procedure name.

14. 9 Words with double letters, such as "accommodation", are commonly misspelt.

15. Keep a list of words that you often misspell.

16. I mean, I misspelled Tennyson or something?

17. His eye fell on a misspelled word.

18. 7 Sorry I misspelled your last name.

19. Aeriel - 7.6%; Other - 92.39%; Other misspelled words

20. Google (200 Founders misspelled actual word "googol"

21. Common misspelling for "Airborne".

22. Aquaintance ( plural Aquaintances ) Misspelling of acquaintance

23. Accessability meaning Common misspelling of accessibility.

24. ( ab-sōr'bent ), Avoid the misspelling Absorbant

25. Also be careful with names that people can easily misspell .